
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526 or 1527 – July 11, 1593) was a Manierist Italian painter, mostly know for creating human portraits composing various elements from the nature or everyday life , arranged in such a way that their ensemble were constituting a recognizable portrait.
More info on our beloved wikipedia..
Here I simply played with some 3d software (i think it was Maya) to recreate somehow his art, also thinking about the possibility of animating the sculpture, someday..

Seven Samurai : How these picture can match the famous Akira Kurosawa omonimous movie? Watching them after a few years, I barely understand myself.
Seven Samurai (七人の侍 Shichinin no Samurai?) is a 1954 Japanese period adventure drama film co-written, edited, and directed by Akira Kurosawa.
The film takes place in 1587 during the Warring States Period of Japan.
It follows the story of a village of farmers that hire seven masterless samurai (ronin) to combat bandits who will return after the harvest to steal their crops.

The World is gonna finish in 2012.

This is what some people said , that is gonna happen, cause Maya people said so.

I think that this mysterious civilization just got lazy in writing numbers in the calendar.

And i Actually understand them.

I get lazy too, if I’m designing a website for a client, and i have to divide the content in base to Year, month, to keep writing those numbers..

But well, we will see..

Anyway, this was a generative painting, inspired by Mayan architecture..

I Hope you like

Ps: Here, a little experimental video…

A digital painting about a popular art exhibition in Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy, my city, or big town) Called “Primavera Maremmana), held by mostly “Sunday painters”: artists that are not necessarily earning their living by their “Art”, and they’re not even trying to.

What moves them, is mostly the passion for art, and for the beautiful landscapes that surround them.

Some old paintings, created with mixed technique, in which I painted using various industrial materials on digital artworks I previously made,   printed on photographic paper .Digital art, infinitely reproducible, becomes unique.  

I'm from a country where people are indeed quite superstitious.

Most of the time it is funny. Sometimes less.

But whatever, I just found this old picture I made, so I'm happy to publish and share with the world. I think that it will bring me luck. 

Growing older, I realized that sometimes the beliefs, legends, superstitions have some element of truth, and should be regarded with respect.

Despite I've been a REAL professor at Universities and art academy, I think that often the educational system is more focused about making money on students hopes, than guarantying them a real future...

 That's why, several years ago, I wrote this short ironical piece about an hypothetical Master Class called "creative mines" .

It's sounds almost too real to be a joke :

Have You ever been embarrassed when someone asks you: hey You, what is your job? I mean, how do You get a living? Are you not tired to respond: "well, I make things, I see people?"

Wildboars come often to Grosseto, my city. And they can be very good friends to us. They also taste very good , if prepared well. People here crash their cars on them, on purpouse, if one cross their road. Lovely, and hairy.

The essential element for the formation of a Tuscan artist is undoubtedly the boar: during the child development, it hardens the artist's physique, in the melee-related struggles relating to survival.

Then, once acquired the awareness of wanting to make art, it provides excellent bristles for the creation of captivating pictorial works.