3d Animation

Animation realized with 3d animation softwares

Electronic Art and Electronic Cigarette : A Very interesting parallelism.
As the traditional bohemian stereotyped artist is supposed to wear a scarf, and to smoke the pipe or some hand rolled cigarettes , The Electronic artist is supposed to vape the electronic cigarette.
This is a quote, so, is not something can be discussed.
Pure truth.
So, obviously, being an Electronic artist, I had to turn myself into an electronic cigarette vaper.

3d Realistic Kebab, spinning and rolling on romantic music.
In tensed cultural differences times, a symbol of peace, bringing together people having different traditions and religions, but with a wonderful common objective: fill their stomach with few euros.
Cause if You can make not photorealistic rendering, you can usually also can make quite realistic stuff.
Then , It is a matter of time, passion and energy creating something.
Realized using Blender, and his rendering engine "Cycles"

A sample from my best vanguard 3d futurist videos A sample of my works, on the music from Satie.

This worked for being admitted to berlinale talent campus :)

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.

God is really only another artist.

He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat.

He has no real style,

He just goes on trying other things ​

A quite dark and disturbing 3d animation from 2005 about a working day of an "anyone" man, living in our era.

The story takes visual inspiration from italian art movement "Futurismo" (Futurism) , and specially from Fortunato Depero Artworks, to play with the positivist concept of "machine" of the beginning of last century, opposed to what machines are becoming now for our lifes.
It was a work made along my thesis in industrial design , in a period while I was worried about my working future..

A 25 seconds animation commissioned By Senef (Seoul Film Festival) as opening video for the various screening sessions.
This animation is much brighter and colorful than Futurist Toys, also, the dark sky was replaced by a much brighter background, to express better the atmosphere of joy and amusement of the event.
For the same event, it was created also the poster, that You can see above.
Here, an alternate version of the movie, originally created by me, but that resulted too disturbing for the festival (well, I agree with them, but I still like it better than the chosen one)

An immersive digital animation installation about Christmas Nativity, a digital crib realized with revolutionary style.

There is an old Christian tradition, in Italy, about making , during Christmas period , a Nativity scene using little statues representing the Holy Family (Maria, Joseph, and new born Jesus) in their hut and all the local people from Bethlehem , following the comet star visiting them, to see their new born Messiah.

This is a new experiment i made, in order to define the visual style of my new short movie "odysseus - nobody" . 

I Believe that this level of stylization works pretty well..

I moved around the camera just to test the possibility of the shaders, and I think they react pretty well...

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