Computer Generated art

By kurageart, 10 August, 2024

Computer calculated motion , Computer Generate Art, Auto Generated art etc

A vast topic, in which I can not dive too much in this place.

The movements and images are automatically calculated by the computer on the basis of mathematical formulas, which in turn can be extrapolated in real time from music, captured movements or anything else.

Or the images and movements can be transformed into music.

A "concrete" application, for example, can be the creation of fluids in a 3D animation, in which liquid bodies will deform according to the laws of physics.

Or even the musical visualizations of software like Winamp, able to transform music into images.

In this technique, or rather "work", the programmer - artist has the role of "Demiurg", the creator of the universe.

Then he himself, or others, will be able to choose and capture moments and frames of the immense created object, a bit like photography, following his own taste and sensibility, and transmit these significant portions to the spectator.

An example, taken from my Video "Analogic Generative Sinesthesis"

metropolis, arte generativa
riferimento figli