Mobile pictures

artistic photography mobile phone

The best camera is the one You have with You

this was the title from  Chase Jarvis book.
So, in our modern lifes, is often a smartphone.
Quality isn't great, but we have to think that most of the research it have been in camera developement wasen't really about the quality, but about the convenience and the portability.
Nothing beats still today a 19 century 8x10 field camera in terms of quality.
But probably You won't have always with You.
I'm currently using a midrange telephone, an asus zenfone max.
I bring it with me for calls, obviously, and I use some apps as light meter when I take out my mechanical film cameras.
I like the original output, and few tricks like the depth of field effect, automatically created taking 2 pictures, one at close distance, and one to the background is quite impressive.
Very nice all the artistic  versatility coming from using apps like "snapseed" or "afterfocus".
Being visually trained in how a "real" picture should look, helps recreating pleasant results

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artistic photography mobile phone
artistic photography mobile phone