Periodo Digital - Depero - an older digital animation

Eduardo Pla

Today I was really feeling curious about other futurism inspired 3d Artist.

This video digital Clip, from Eduardo Pla -  seems one of the earliest attempt to transpose the Fortunato Depero Paintings to a Digital 3d environment , and I must say that for the period (1992) is quite impressive, technically speaking. 

At that time, Pixar was coming out with things like this: 

1 video: pixar


Eduardo Pla


So I believe that this work had a quite big production of this work..

I like the fact that the author putted his own feelings in the animation, and some sort of acting.

It could seem that some of the animation is done mostly just to astonish the public with the 3d technology, but, well, that was a quite common pratice in that period.

I would like to know more about this production and about the author...

So, If You, or someone involved into the production get to read this article, please, contact me!

immagini media
Eduardo Pla
Eduardo Pla